Is your Wedding Planning website ready for the 2025 wedding boom?

They say 2025 will be the year the wedding industry sees a significant boom. After the pandemic and all the delayed proposals, the industry has healed and is ready to take the plunge. But is your website ready for this? Here's what your website needs to be fully booked in 2025 as a Wedding Planner.

  1. Updated brand photography and pictures of you and your team.

  2. Revised offerings and updated pricing.

  3. Search Engine Optimized Website so the google gods can find you and recommend your service to those looking.

  4. Updated Website! Invest in a Website which works to bring in more business.

  5. Refresh the old Portfolio to the recent wedding work you did.

  6. Redesign the FAQ page, brainstorm on what questions your potential client might ask you.

  7. Check if your branding is Cohesive across all platforms and if not get to work, start with a Mood board design.

  8. Check your marketing analytics, where is your business coming from & how your website will optimise on it.

  9. Is your website telling a Story you want your potential clients to stop and listen to? If not which part of will you want to narrate in a different way. What is your Website Strategy for 2025 Wedding Season?

  10. Whats a trend in your Business which isn’t offered on your website and how will you include it? You dont have to blend in in trends but offer the trend in your unique way and stand out from the crowd.

If you answer to any of the above was NO, NOT YET, I DON’T HAVE A WEBSITE STRATEGY, I DON’T KNOW HOW TO NAVIGATE THE WEB WORLD- then worry not. Check out my Web Design Portfolio. 

5 Must have photo’s on every Wedding Planners Website


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